If you have a Company Account you will be able to create users linked to this account.

Steps to follow:

  • Login via the admin link, https://go.keymeeting.net/admin/users/login.
  • Use the same user and password as you do when logging in to KeyMeeting for meetings.
  • Click on Users on the menu located on the left hand side and then click Add User.

Follow the additional tabs to further set the users account details and access:

  • Fill the required fields with information for the new user on Profile (First name, Last name, email).
  • Create a user and password for the account on Account Details (User will be able to change the password later). At the bottom you will be able to choose if the account is Active or Inactive and if the account has an expiration date.
  • On Service Plan, choose from the drop down menu what type of account will this user have.
  • Click on Create User at the bottom right hand side.

Your new user will appear on the Affiliate Users list. You will be able to Edit or Delete the account by ticking the account and choosing an Action or by clicking on the buttons next to the User Name.

Users will be able to login with just their user and password.


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